Play and Attachment
There is more to play than just ‘fun’. It is the best way for young children to learn.
When children are deep in the play process they are learning and practicing all the skills they need for growing up. Real play means taking risks. Although you would never want to see your child hurt, an overly safe environment can hold them back and does not give them a realistic view of the real world. Children who take chances respond well when things don’t work out, they become more resilient and try again.
The ‘Play Strategy for Scotland’ says ‘open space allows children to be physically active and challenge themselves, so they sleep and eat well and form healthy habits that stay with them for life’.
Play ideas for at home with your children can be simple, such as:
- Colour patio with chalk
- Look for bugs
- Go on a walk or an adventure by the sea
- Make a scrapbook
- Find shapes in the clouds
Links of Interest:

“Bonding and attachment in very early infancy is critical to the growth and development of baby and child; parents need to be aware of importance of interacting and communicating with their baby from the earliest days and enhancing quality of life through interaction and active play.
“Children’s earliest experiences shape how their brains develop, which in turn determines future health and wellbeing. Very young children need secure and consistent relationships with other people in order to thrive, learn and adapt to their surroundings and this may also impact their ability to form good future relationships.” NHS Scotland