Group Guidelines

Step by Step provides safe friendly groups for parents and children from birth to 3 years. We encourage enjoyment through play, story time and singing to help build good relationships and help parents cope with the challenges of family life. Family Workers also offer individual support if needed.

There are some things we ask families to do, to make sure our groups run smoothly and we all have fun together.

Please help us by keeping in mind….

  • Each family attends one group each week, unless by special arrangement with a Family Worker
  • Parents are responsible for their own child at all times at Step by Step
  • Parents are expected to join in the play activities we offer. Singing and story-telling are important parts of language development for young children
  • We provide a healthy snack and encourage families to share this social time together. We provide for food allergies or intolerances by arrangement and ask parents not to bring food or drinks to groups unless already agreed.
  • We provide good quality age-appropriate toys. Families are reminded to take care of them to ensure they last and are available for future children.
  • Parents are encouraged to be considerate, understanding and welcoming of each other and to include new families who may feel anxious at first
  • We celebrate every child’s birthday at group sessions if possible
  • Children will sometimes need a change of clothes for some activities. We will let you know about this beforehand
  • Mobile phones should be used for emergency calls only while at Step by Step
Groups for families - Steps Moray
  • Families should not attend if their child is or has been ill to prevent the spread of infection
  • We are equipped for children aged up to 3 years, to ensure their safety we don’t allow older children to attend
  • Our regular groups run during school term times with a reduced service in the holidays
  • We use our closed Facebook page to keep in touch with families, please always use it wisely and with consideration for others. Only parents who currently attend our groups are included
  • We take care to ensure all children are safe at all times, if anyone has concerns, they should report these to a Family Worker
  • We sometimes have donated food, nappies, hand knitted baby clothes and other useful items available for Step by Step families – parents can help themselves to these or speak to a Family Worker about your needs
  • We are an independent charity and by successfully applying to Charity Funders we can provide our services free of charge. Donations and fundraising efforts are very welcome.